Wednesday 22 July 2015

7 Ways to study chemistry effectively.

Chemistry is difficult subject. If you want to study it effectively, you need a better plan. Well there is no any magical way which can make chemistry easier for you. It can be learnt if practised regularly. It is too much time consuming subject, so you need to study it in a regular way with an effective plan. Here are some ways which you can use in making learning plan.

Learn chemistry in a cumulative way

Chemistry has many topics. Topic 1 leads to the topic 2 and topic 2 leads to the topic 3 and so on. If you did not study topic 2 then you would find difficult to understand the topic 3.  Never leave any topic because it helps you to understand the next topic.

Attend class/lectures

Attending lectures makes your understanding better. It gives you some ideas which improve your knowledge. You can ask question from teacher. Do not hesitate in doing so.

Read the chapter before it is discussed in the class

Pre-reading of the chapter gives you more ideas and understanding of the teacher. It makes your mind to produce more questions which get cleared in the lecture. It is useful for improving your chemical (chemistry)  knowledge.

Use time management strategies

As chemistry is time consuming subject, you need to manage your time well. Do not procrastinate any work related to it.  Use some time saving strategies. For example if you are confused in any topic, you can discuss it with your teacher. It will just take 5-10 minutes but can save your an hour.

Make a study group with your friends

Make a group of your friends who are interested in chemistry. Collaborative learning can solve many problems and improve your knowledge.

Re-read the chapter

Reread the chapter, marking important sections. These sections should be marked in a such a way which you think to be read after the exams. Do not mark the section in the first reading. Do it in second reading because you would have better understood the chapter at this time.

Take a break after clearing a concept

It is useful to take a break after clearing a concept. During this break you can ask yourself whether you have cleared the topic or something missing from mind which is written on the book.

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