Monday 16 March 2015

What is chemistry?

It's human nature to wonder. In day to day life you came across many things which make you to wonder. For example when you get up in the morning. Your mother would be preparing tea. You wonder when water boils it changes to vapours and when tea leaves are added to it then its colour changes to black. Your mother adds sugar to it to make it sweet while the tea is bitter itself. How sugar makes it sweet? All these questions can be answered by a chemist easily. In this tutorial we will discuss; what is chemistry and what makes it interesting.

Chemistry is not an easy subject. But don't worry you are at right place which can make it simple and interesting. In science it is defined as a branch of it which deals with the matter, its properties, structure, reactivity and behaviour. When you will join my blog, you will find it too much easy and interesting to learn. Before you learn, you must clear its bases first.

Chemists do not just answer question but do a lot more. Industrial chemists are developing many improved eco- friendly materials for aero planes, cars and daily item. Pharmaceutical chemists are developing many new medicines for curing diseases like cancer, diabetes etc. Biochemist helps understanding the role of chemistry in organisms.

Earlier we had said that chemistry is not an easy subject. Because chemistry has number of topics which are easy when learnt in cumulative way. Topic 1 leads to the topic 2 which help in understanding the topic 3 and so on. So, if you want to make chemistry easy then join this exclusive blog today and learn its entire topics one by one in an easier way.

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